Community Teams

The three Community teams supporting HEFT patients in the community are Birmingham Community Healthcare (BCHC), Solihull Community Services and Staffordshire and Stoke-on Trent Partnership NHS Trust (SSOTP) team.

Which community service to contact depends on which GP surgery the patient is registered to. Icare gives details of which Primary Care organisation the patient is registered to under their GP details.

Information on the referral form needs to be telephoned to SPA in the first instance then faxed.

Birmingham Community health care

Tel: 0300 555 1919 option 2 (24hr service)
Fax: 0121 466 6561

Solihull IV therapy at home service

Tel: 07890 533604 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, 0121 717 4333 at other times.
Fax: 0121 424 5765  (use to fax referral form)

Staffordshire and Stoke-on Trent Partnership NHS Trust (SSOTP) team

Tel: 01827 306226
Fax: 01782 532358